The Rainmakers - Tejshree Savara

The Rainmakers - Tejshree Savara

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Sometimes winners do quit and when they do, they go on to do even greater things than what they quit. After leaving her role as an Art & Antiquities Lawyer with one of India’s most prestigious law firm after 7 years, Tejshree Savara started her brave new entrepreneurial journey. Following this momentous decision, she found herself as a newly married woman grieving the loss of her grandmother, so many changes created a slew of ideas and she went on to launch not one but two All Heart organizations. A company that designed and manufactured homegrown pet products called ‘We Exist’ and a sister NGO arm ‘The We Exist Foundation’ which aimed at improving the lives of street dwelling, abandoned animal community in India.


Despite criticism for walking away from a promising Law career, she continued to provide legal advice except redirected the fee towards her fledgling foundation. She chose to turn a deaf ear to discouraging opinions for she knew that her passion to save, serve and heal was not a choice, it was a calling. All this can be attributed to the fact that Animal Welfare is one of her hobbies along with art, fitness and mental health.The lessons she learned from her mother at an early age included the fact that people come into our lives for a purpose, first by their presence and then by their absence, one has to embrace the lesson and move on. Practise love, kindness and empathy because everyone is going through something we know nothing about. She believes that we all deserve unconditional love, so be gentle with yourself.

Even when it came to self-expression, she found that a personal statement was the joy of wearing something that not only made her feel beautiful but confident too. Her style statement had to have memories attached to it, like the timeless Mukaish saree she wore for her school farewell back in 2004, it is still tucked away in a special place in her cupboard, where it reminds her of who she was and who she has become. Today, she stands tall over her achievements with a simple piece of advice - Take each ‘chance’, forget why it won't work & envision why it will.

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